Lenovo To Buy Motorola Business from Google
Lenovo is buying Motorola Mobility (a phone-maker division of Motorola acquired in 2012) for $2.91 billion, confirmed by Google CEO Larry Page. He explained that smartphone market is super competitive. He believed that Motorola will be better served with Lenovo.
It has rapidly growing smartphone business and it is the largest and fastest growing PC manufacturer in the world. This will enable Google to devote their energy to driving innovation across the Android ecosystem and for the benefit of the smartphone users everywhere. He noted also that this won’t affect Google’s other hardware efforts. Lenovo CEO Yang Yuangqing added that with this step, they can further grow in the business.
Motorola, as a hardware company, was a strange purchase for Google because it was costly venture that required Google to appease other Android phone manufacturers by not giving Motorola any preferential treatment. Motorola is dead in Asia because consumers prefer brands like Samsung, LG and Huawei and others. Bringing back to life with global relevance is needed by Motorola to do it. Regulators in US and China still did not approve yet the deal.