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Prank: iPhone Bending Gone Wrong

What would you do and how would you react if someone approaches you, borrows your phone---not just any regular cell phone-- but your iPhone, and starts bending and breaking it? I bet punches will be swinging here and there.

In this video, magician 'Jibrizy' goes to public places and pretends to bend and accidentally break a few iPhones. A few participants apparently fell for this trick.

First, he went to a canteen and talked to a group of men. He then performed this illusion of bending the gadget. After a few twists, the guys were surprised to see the iPhone breaks. Not long after, Jibrizy made some hand tricks and shows the phone in its original form.

The second part of the footage was in the park. It shows the people in the park watching him do his magic trick and were startled when he 'broke' the phone. Just like in the first part, after a few hand moves, Jibrizy handed over the phone unbroken.

I wonder, can he do that in hammond keyboard

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