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Think Before You Click on YouTube Ads

Advertisements after advertisements. You only want to read a blogpost or see a YouTube video but ads keep flying and popping out in every corner. If only there's a big NO instead of X box at the upper right corner of that trailer.

Please be aware that not all ads are safe. Especially if your browser has installed plugins that states to download YouTube videos.

Malvertisers are defined as "advertisers who provide malicious or malware-laden advertisements with a view to spreading malware to new users."

These malvertisers bring harm than good to the user.

One of the plugins that has been bought by malvertisers is the  Sambreel’s adware browser plugins. It offers Easy YouTube Video Downloader plugin and Best Video Downloader. But what they do is create a fake alert that suggests that the user should update java but only leads to malware.

So careful where you point your mouse at. Especially at those sneaky ad posts while you watch  your favorite fretless bass at musicians friend or action movie.

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